6 Facts That Will Blow Your Mind About Black Holes

1. Black Holes Can Evaporate

      Though it may be odd it is true...Black holes can evaporate. This process of evaporation is called hawking radiation. Hawking radiation is caused when space particles form and destroy near the event horizon, which is the edge of a black hole. This causes the black hole to loose its energy. Though it is slow like erosion, over time this can cause the black hole to implode with the energy of millions of nuclear bombs.

2. Black Holes Can Turn You Into Spaghetti
       Yeah it’s weird but it is true, Black holes can turn you into spaghetti. The process in which black holes can stretch humans is called spaghettification. When you reach the event horizon there is no return. As you drift closer to the singularity, the gravity of the singularity will cause your cells to stretch. This is because the density of the singularity is thought to be infinity which gives it a strong gravitational pull. Which is why is return not even light can escape.

3. Time Slows Near a Black Hole
       Time is slower near a black hole because black holes create distortions in time and space. Imagine space as a sheet, and every object placed on it creates depth is the sheet relative to its mass. The depth of the black hole would be infinite which alters the space and time around it.

4. Black Holes Can Help Us Travel To Other Galaxies
       Though no one really knows what is inside a black hole or where it can lead us, many scientists have come up with many theories. One such theory is that black holes can lead us to different galaxies. Though the gravity is strong, in a mass inflation singularity the gravity would only stretch you a finite amount which means you could survive the trip. Mass inflation singularities are usually found in large rotating black holes. 

5. There Is A Black Hole In The Center Of The Milky Way Galaxy
       Scary but true, there is a black hole in the middle of the milky way galaxy. Scientists did not realize this until the 21st century. Though it might be scary we still have a long way before the black hole will suck our solar system.
6. Black Holes Can Not Suck You In

        A common misconception is that black holes act as intergalactic vacuum cleaners that suck up stars and other galactic materials. Black holes will tear up material and then swallow it. This myth was started because people thought that due to the high density and gravity in the singularity of the black hole, it must suck everything up.



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